Protect your most precious memories with our high quality superior framing solutions. Ideally suited for memorabilia and ...

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The materials and methods used in Picture Framing play an important role in protecting and preserving your work while on ...

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Design can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish. Choosing colours and textures that beautifully present your work will ...

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The Picture Framer


Lisa is a qualified Framer completing a Cert lll in Picture Framing. She is also an award winning picture framer with over 20 years experience in the industry. She has also worked as a Professional Custom Printer and studied Photography, Art and Art Materials. Lisa is excited to offer Three P's Picture Framing to showcase pieces you cherish and perserve your memories.


To fill spaces with images and items people not only love visually, but to which they feel connected. I believe everyone should be inspired everyday by the images surrounding them.


Lisa is an art lover, a keen gardener and believes in a minimal, purposeful life. Surrounding herself with art in the workshop keeps her inspired and dedicated to caring for her customers work. 

Through framing she is able to Protect, Preserve and Present her customers work to hand back for them to cherish for a lifetime.

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